A thorough introduction to rocks, minerals and fossils through illustrated talks and hands-on practical sessions. You will have the opportunity to examine a museum-quality geological collection from around the world and scrutinise the inner secrets of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks down the microscope. A large selection of geological specimens, geological maps and books will
Until recently, the working class families of the farming, forestry and mining communities of Lakeland subsisted on a fairly simple diet, largely based on locally grown oats and barley. However, on feast days and other special occasions, this grainy monotony was enlivened by celebratory dishes, which often contained exotic spices and dried fruit. A Christmas
For four centuries, the Great Wall of Hadrian marked the North West Frontier of Rome, an empire so vast the south east frontier rested on the Euphrates. Even today, the mighty stride of the Wall as it marches along the summit of the Whin Sill constitutes Rome’s grandest, most ambitious and enduring military monument. This