For pre-formed trios, quartets and quintets. Groups work together in the mornings at self-selected repertoire. Afternoons free to explore the beautiful surroundings. Remaining sessions for mixed ensembles. Large library of music to explore. Co-ordinator: Louise Latham (Gr. Manchester Residential: £465 Non-residential: £330
If you have minimal experience in singing with others, believe you can't sing, or feel a bit rusty, then this is your discovery course to find your voice and use it in the very first steps of singing together. There will be a holistic approach and a lot of fun along the way. No music
For up to ten players* of Grade 7 and above. Prepare a 20-minute programme to be played and discussed; if possible, bring along spare copies of pieces for others. Suggestions for improvement, style, technique and presentation will be offered. Non-competitive with a joint recital on the last morning. *Non-performing Listeners also welcome. John Gough