Seed heads and fruit in the hedgerow will inspire you to draw and paint from nature. Accurately portray them in watercolour with help and individual tuition. For both beginners and the more experienced. Marion Wilson SBA (W Cumbria Residential: £365 Non-residential: £255 Marion has also got a new PAINTING FUNGHI course starting 1st
Join expert Louise on an intimate tour of gardens, some not normally open to the public. Take inspiration and meet gardeners, viewing behind the gates, walls and hedges of some hidden horticultural gems of the Lake District. Louise Stoddart (Cumbria Residential: £405 Non-residential: £295 (incl. field trips) A repeat of July's course.
More and more painters are tempted by Abstraction. Some add elements in to modernise their own art. Others just want to have fun and express themselves in a non-realistic way, embracing the freedom. On this joyous painting course, explore colour combinations, compatible shapes, the balance of busy and empty and which compositional formats work most
After listening to and discussing evidence with fellow Jurors, you will be able to pronounce your verdict on five separate (real-life) murder cases, which occurred between 1900-1975, chosen for the insights they can give us on our judicial system and social history. Come equipped with pen, notebook and open mind... N.B. This format involves lots
*TWIN COURSE* Discover handmade bobbin lace, work on your UFOs and pick Jan's brain. She will also bring patterns from her Tantalising Torchon collection, exploring some more unusual aspects of this neglected lace. Total beginner through to advanced - all welcome! Jan Gardiner (Somerset Residential: £270 Non-residential: £190 (Basic materials purchasable from Tutor
*TWIN COURSE* Discover handmade bobbin lace, work on your UFO's and pick Jan's brain. She will also bring patterns from her Tantalising Torchon collection, exploring some more unusual aspects of this neglected lace. Total beginner through to advanced all welcome! Jan Gardiner (Somerset Residential: £270 Non-residential: £190 (Basic materials purchasable from Tutor c£5-£10.)Jan
This workshop will enable participants to explore The Chakra system and its relevance to: living a western lifestyle; work of Drs Deepak Chopra, Candace Pert and Daniel Segal and their mindbody theories for stress management, mental wellness, emotional regulation, self-actualisation and enlightenment; how to bring Chakra awareness into everyday life Lina Mookerjee (N Cumbria
Extend your artistic skills with pastel for seascapes, dramatic skies and landscapes. Demos throughout, support for beginners, encouragement for more experienced with demanding, yet supportive critiques to enable all to reach full potential. Eileen Gardner (Fife Residential: £365 Non-residential: £255
Join us to explore Shakespeare's most famous tragedy, in which the ghost of Hamlet's father urges his introspective son to revenge his murder. The royal court of Denmark slowly disintegrates under the weight of grief, madness and suspicion. Lectures and discussion are supported with film clips throughout. Clare Smout (Shropshire Residential: £270 Non-residential: £190
*NEW*A chance for botanical painting alongside our annual MUSHROOMS AND TOADSTOOLS course which should mean a wide range of real examples and mycological expertise will be immediately to hand if you wish to deepen your knowledge of your subject. Marion Wilson SBA (W Cumbria Residential: £365 Non-residential: £255 This is an extra course in
Our seasonal opportunity to develop fungi identification skills with a respected expert in a prime natural area. Minibus field trips: easy, but off-path walking. Collect and observe fungi in various habitats, examine finds, accurately identify with a range of keys for identification to both genus and species. For anyone interested in fungi, seasoned or unseasoned,
Explore the use of colour and texture. Dress a loom. Understand how to read pattern draft. Suitable for both absolute beginners and developing weavers. Jan Beadle (Cumbria Residential: £365 Non-residential: £255 (Yarns £15 purchasable from Tutor)
Dos-à-dos is a French term for “back-to-back” - a binding structure in which two separate books are bound together. The format dates back at least to the 16th century. Two books frequently bound in this form were the New Testament and Psalter. In this workshop we will be making a modern version, personalizing them by
For experienced Embroiderers, Quilters, Weavers and Sewers to take advantage of the Cedar Room to develop your own projects free of distractions, whilst enjoying the Higham magic, including the food! No tutor, but a chance to share ideas, relax and maybe enjoy the stunning surroundings a little at a bargain price. Residential: £230 Non-residential: £150
Sibelius on Scandinavia. We will explore the rich string orchestra repertoire from the Nordic countries to include music by Dag Wiren, Grieg, Nielson and Sibelius. Players should have previous ensemble experience. Louise Latham (Gr. Manchester Residential: £275 Non-residential: £195
We were unable to hold this Bookbinding workshop earlier this year, so here it is: An open opportunity to bring binding projects you may have started elsewhere, a book you have started to restore, or a new one you want to begin and need a helping hand to start you off. If it’s a new
A journey through time visiting less well known heritage sites on the Solway coastal plains. See ancient places of worship, once thriving seaports, forgotten estuary crossings and learn about Solway World War history. Explore the sweeping Solway coastline and abundant wildlife habitats. Hear Solway stories. A mix of indoor and outdoor venues with short off-road
The workshop concentrates on weaving areas where two or more colours overlap. This can be achieved using solid or mixed threads. Louise Martin (Orkney Residential: £275 Non-residential: £195 Also see TAPESTRY DAY, preceding, and OPTICAL ILLUSIONS, following
Taster or refresher. Come with no experience or bring work you want help with. Looms will be ready-warped. Be shown how to weave simple shapes, mix colours and control your tension. Louise Martin (Orkney £95 (incl. materials, lunch and refreshments) Louise (award-winning!) has two courses following.
This course will concentrate on weaving shapes, sometimes with repetition, often with precision, solid colour and a beautiful quality of line to produce a woven optical illusion. Louise Martin (Orkney Residential: £275 Non-residential: £195 TRANSPARENCY with Louise precedes this course.
This course will focus on what artists can develop from their previous sketching escapades. Bring along some previous workings and see what you can adapt into a polished piece of exhibitable art. Both experienced and beginners welcome with patient guidance from an experience and sympathetic Tutor. Viv Philpot (Hampshire assisted by Geoff Philpot Residential:
Hands-on! Bring chair, stool, ottoman, headboard... Build up from scratch or just re-cover, tackle interior paddings with traditional or modern techniques. Please contact Cathy prior to your course to discuss your project needs 07770 714103. Cathy Newbery (Cumbria Residential: £270 Non-residential: £190
We spend most of our lives inside at home, at work or at play. There are thousands of guides about how to make interiors: books, magazines, TV programmes, as well as professional designers, decorators and architects. But what, actually, are interiors? What are they made of? How do we live in them? Where did they
Touch the fire of inspiration through contemporary watercolour techniques. Discover your creative spark working in watercolour, ink or acrylic using nature-centred themes. Suitable for all aspiring artists, even beginners. Tiana Marie (Cumbria
Lis’ workshops are a chance to develop your skills with advice and guidance which will help you achieve excellent results. We find that quilters who come enjoy the benefits of working alongside and learning from other practitioners. Lis Binns (Lancashire Residential:£365 Non-residential: £255
*NEW* From large copper bowls to all shapes of bowls, experiment with enamel colours and decoration to produce beautiful fired enamel pieces. Techniques range from traditional to experimental and involve many different types of enamel applications. From experienced to beginners all levels welcome. Beginners will learn safety procedures and kiln use in the process of
Verdi’s ‘Masked Ball’ combines the comic with the tragic. Attractive arias and a lively role for the chorus fill a light and melodic score. Don Carlos has five main characters engaging our sympathies and some of Giuseppe’s greatest dramatic music depicting church, state and the individual. Ian France (Cumbria Residential: £270 Non-residential: £190
Transform your own designs into print, perhaps for a Christmas card (it’s never too early to start), using the fascinating media of woodcut and wood engraving. Working with plywood, MDF, end-grain hardwood or plastic blocks, a wide range of styles is possible, whatever your art background. Beginners or experienced, be inspired to start a home
English is the richest language in the world, but where do our words come from? We have borrowed many foreign words - where from and why? Words are very important to us, but why do they cause such strong reactions? Why are some words forbidden? Why are some words more ‘respectable’ than others? Why do
By the 1950s, the Hollywood Western had come of age, adding new complexity and emotional impact to earlier themes. Directors like Howard Hawks, John Ford, Anthony Mann and King Vidor created some of their finest work within the genre. This film appreciation course will trace its development from the earliest days using clips and discussion.
Aim for vibrant and atmospheric paintings, be inspired using soft pastels on a variety of different backgrounds. Step by step and personal guidance. For all levels to enjoy. Sue Ford (Yorkshire Residential: £270 Non-residential: £190
Transform a block of wood into a unique picture. Bring ideas or use Sharon’s books for inspiration. Transfer a pattern, use chisels, learn techniques. Beginners and experienced. Sharon Littley (S Wales Residential: £605 Non-residential: £420
Use foundation piecing or templates to make this popular quilt design. You will learn how to make accurate blocks and how to join them without losing your points. Sorry, this one is not suitable for beginners. Alternatively, bring your own project. Lis Binns (Lancashire Residential: £370 Non-residential: £260 First of two successive courses
Sit back and enjoy hearing about a selection from the pantheon of French artists who are still admired in the 21st century. These are superb exponents of a style-wave which broke the traditional moulds. The emergence of this phenomenon transformed perceptions and instigated a different visual landscape. Bertram Aitchison (Dumfries Residential: £270 Non-residential: £190
Use foundation piecing or templates to make this popular quilt design. You will learn how to make accurate blocks and how to join them without losing your points. Sorry, this is not suitable for beginners. Alternatively, bring your own project. Lis Binns (Lancashire Residential: £370 Non-residential: £260 Second of two successive courses
Work with (don’t fight against) the fast-drying nature of acrylics and use mixed media to create vibrant, atmospheric paintings (from excellent reference images provided by your Tutor), layer by layer. For all levels of artist to loosen up with a willingness to get paint on hands, possibly clothes! Marion Boddy-Evans (Aberdeenshire
All applications to be made initially through Laurence to ascertain ensemble line-up: There will be a free informal concert with participants on Sunday 11:15am. Laurence Perkins (Manchester Residential: £605 Non-residential: £470 We can pick up at 5pm from Penrith Rail Station (+£40) BY PRIOR ARRANGEMENT ON PAYING BALANCE
Explore contemporary acrylic techniques using lots of different acrylic media on different surfaces. We will venture outdoors (weather permitting) to gain inspiration from the immediate Lakeland landscape from Higham Hall, but this course focuses on a studio response to your own source material (landscape sketches, photographs etc of your own) with a semi-abstract and exploratory
From colourful pumpkins and squashes for Halloween to evergreens, berries, nuts and cones for Christmas festivities and even the skeleton seedheads of autumn, there is a lot of choice in forms, shapes, colour and texture to inspire the botanical artist. You may wish to design a greetings card to celebrate the season. Susan Christopher-Coulson (Lancashire
This year is the 400th anniversary of William Byrd (ca 1540-1623), one of the greatest English composers. This course will consider the dangerous and tumultuous context of his life and works, as a Catholic composer working at the court of the Protestant Queen Elizabeth I. Learn about the genres, resources and sounds of late Tudor