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Wednesday April 24, 2024 at 18:30 to Sunday April 28, 2024 at 13:30
For bassoon lovers, the aim of this course is to help make playing easier and more enjoyable! Receive advice on posture & breathing, embouchure, good tone and tuning, sound projection, reed adjustment, fingerings, technical fluency and musical interpretation from internationally renowned bassoonists Laurence Perkins and Roger Birnstingl. There will be optional reed-making sessions, opportunities to play in bassoon ensembles and an optional performance class with concert pianist John Gough – a chance to play one of your favourite works and receive constructive feedback on technique, musical style and interpretation (music of maximum 6-8 minutes duration is recommended). Players will be treated to an informal tutors’ concert and there will be plenty of time for relaxation and socialising as always.
Laurence Perkins with Roger Birnstingl and John Gough.
Residential: £560 Non-residential: £425
We can pick up at 5pm from Penrith Rail Station (+£40) BY PRIOR ARRANGEMENT ON BOOKING All applications to be made initially through Laurence to ascertain ensemble line-up: www.laurenceperkins.com/wind-serenades