A course exploring the great variety of different coloured drawing materials and techniques used - with inspiration from work by artists both past and present. Ceri Allen £95 including lunch BOOK ONLINE: https://www.trybooking.com/uk/DSHJ
Sprung seat/dining chair/larger stool. Tackle one of these more challenging pieces and increase your technical range. For beginners, working through techniques to equip you with basic skills and knowledge of upholstery. This is the third in a series of day courses in October, December and February. It can be attended on its own or alongside
To Welcome Spring: expressive arias and upbeat instrumental music from the 17th & 18th centuries to put a positive spring in our collective steps. Programme includes music by Vivaldi, Rameau, Handel, Purcell and Telemann. Eden Baroque are Michael Sanderson baritone, baroque violin & viola, and Katharine May harpsichord. Tickets £18 or £32 for 2. Includes a glass