An alternative to LAKELAND BIRDS, with more emphasis on the aural characteristics of our feathered friends out in the field. Keith Offord (Shropshire Residential: £461 Non-residential: £325 (incl. field trips with a fair amount of walking)
For lovers of natural history and the countryside, and an eye opener for anyone wishing to develop awareness of our environment. Walk contrasting Cumbrian sites where conservation management has helped the habitats of rare butterflies including Marsh Fritillary, Mountain Ringlet, Small Blue and The Forester. Presentations will consider wider conservation issues. Chris Winnick with Claire
The Lake District has few equals for all-round bird watching. Find early summer residents and visitors, and, both in- and out-doors, explore habitats from upland fells to rivers, lakes and coast. Comfortable pace, ideal for learning to recognise birds by both sight and sound. Reasonable walking required (Level 2). Keith Offord (Shropshire Residential: £565