A series of encapsulating talks exploring the art and meaning of gardens, gardening and flowers. (These talks may appeal to those that are fascinated by gardening but not in the mood for hard, physical graft!). Danny Wells (Derbyshire highamhall.com/danny-wells) Residential: £270 Non-residential: £190
A residential creative writing course aimed at both beginning and intermediate writers interested in flash fiction, short stories, novellas or the novel. Consisting of lectures, writing exercises and individual tutorials, enjoy uninterrupted writing time in a beautiful rural retreat. In addition to taught sessions on ‘Character’ and ‘Dialogue,’ Darren will provide you with short stories
What is spirituality? Can it be secular or must it be sacred? Can it help to fill the god-shaped-hole left by Nietzsche? Using lectures, literature, discussion and meditation, this course will draw upon a variety of global traditions to see if, as atheists or agnostics, we can utilise the wisdom of different cultures to feel
Why does midlife often induce incongruous changes in one’s life? Is it that the things we have spent our lives pursuing no longer hold value? Making reference to philosopher Kieran Setiya’s distinction between existential value and ameliorative value, as well as the traditional Hindu stages of life, we will explore the value of life’s goals.