Annual £10 Subscriptions exclusively fund Bursaries – single Awards for those in limited circumstances to complement Assisted Places.
in person
by Cheque – payable to: Higham Hall College Ltd
by Standing Order – Account: 01257293; Sort Code: 40 18 03
Use the TotalGiving [Donate] button on this page
Gift Aid
Latest Friends’ Update
We have now sent a one-time mailing to all existing Members informing them of the new arrangements and inviting them to re-join.
Thank you to those members who have rejoined and to those who have signed new Gift Aid forms. Thank you, also, to those of you who have set up new Standing Orders to automatically pay your £10 subs each year – this makes things simpler overall.
As you are aware, we are trying to minimise bureaucracy and paperwork so that all benefit goes towards keeping the Bursary Fund. So we do not send reminders or acknowledgements as such for normal donations. A record is kept, of course, of all membership on our database, so we can update you if you ask, about your subscription and, if you do require it, let you have a receipt.
A Friends’ Update will appear in each Brochure.
George Cooke – Principal
10th December 2019

Friends of Higham Online Payment