New Brochure out this week!

Our new brochure – covering October 2023 to March 2024, should now be winging its way to those on our postal mailing list now. We have had a busy time recently as our regular mailing company are no more and we have had to make new arrangements. These have finally been sorted, but there were 

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Drone footage of Higham

Our new Cook, David, has a very neat little drone which has captured some fantastic footage of Higham and our surroundings. David uploaded to his YouTube channel, on which there are plenty of other drone videos which may be of interest to lots of people, especially those who live ‘opp north’!   Thanks to David 

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Higham’s New Principal

I am very pleased to announce that my replacement has now been chosen by the Trustees. Dr. Elizabeth Fisher will be a safe, understanding and intelligent pair of hands to pass over to. I am sure she will go down well with the whole Higham community and will build upon the progress already made keeping 

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Principal Possibilities?

In the end we have had 25 applicants for the role of Principal of Higham Hall. The majority display ‘impressive pedigrees’, a phrase I have been using recently in this context, with professional experiences spanning a number of relevant environments. What is especially gratifying is that the quality of applicants has been high, with many 

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Higham Revisited

In summer 1926, the then resident Fisher family played host to a young Evelyn Waugh (1903 – 1966), who was on the verge of giving up a teaching position to take up writing more fully. He was taken otter hunting down on the River Derwent before a whistletop tour of the Lakes. Entry From The 

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The Queen’s Tree

Earlier this year, the nation celebrated the 70th Anniversary of HRH Queen Elizabeth’s accession to the throne. At that time, Higham ordered a special tree and a plaque to commemorate this once in a lifetime occasion. Finally the tree has arrived. It took a long time to source the right one, but it had been 

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A bit of Cheer!

Looks like our Amy has been busy. A little video has appeared on our Instagram spreading a little seasonal joy: There’s even some Michael Buble if you turn up your sound! Enjoy!

Latest Podcast from the Cumbria Arts and Culture Network I keep on recommending this excellent half hour monthly Podcast (it’s like listening to a programme on the radio on demand) called Behind the Scenery to people because I really do feel it has relevance to what goes on around our region. It is produced so very well and visits different creative people and 

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For the Love of a Grommit

Here’s a bit of information which shows the level of knowledge useful in a place like Higham. This concerns our commercial dishwasher –  a fine tower of stainless steel gracing our back room behind the scenes in the kitchen. It accepts trays of dirty dishes and, minutes later (yes, you hear that right – just 

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Hole in Le Wall

Harness Room We have, today, got a gaping hole in our wall. It’s deliberate – Builders are changing a window for a ‘porte’. …. That’s a ‘french window’, in case you’re wondering. At the moment, j’admit it’s not looking terribly chique. A board has been put up and, hopefully, the new fensetration will be in place 

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Our Queen – a tribute

As far as I know, there is no royal connection whatsoever between Higham and royalty, whether it be as a grand family house, a youth hostel, a girl’s school or an adult residential college . However, we still feel the loss of our Sovereign, who has been a royal presence in the life of everybody 

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Apples and Pears

As Bert might have said: “Blimey, Mary Poppins! Cop a load of ’em apples and pears.” Perhaps an overlooked feature within the modest grounds at Higham are the espaliers which line the inside wall of our rear car park. Each year these delightful trees yield some interesting apples and pears. This year, they are coming 

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Why the Long Face?

Meet Rye, the beautiful 15 year old Gypsy Cob owned by one of our cooks, Ann and her husband Ronnie. Rye was ‘driven’ up today by Jennifer pulling their racing carriage. (That’s Rye pulling the carriage, Jennifer was the ‘driver’ or ‘pilot’ or whatever the term should be – sorry, my ignorance must appear appalling) 

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Lionel Playford’s Solway

Pennines-based artist and Higham Tutor Lionel Playford unveiled his stunning new commission in the form of a large landscape oil painting for us earlier this year. The short ceremony with 30 invited guests turned out to also be a celebration of being able to return to some sort of normality, as well as marking the 

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The ‘Blancmange’ is Out!

Higham regulars will be familiar with the sight of our rather large Rhododendron on the side lawn. Those who come to the outdoor Shakespeare may recognise this handy backdrop. When it flowers in spring, we tend to really feel we have finally said farewell to Winter, but also some of us are reminded of wobbly 

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It’s a Blog’s Life

Why be normal? Rather than stick to the name of “Principal’s Blog”, I’ve decided to refer to what I have to say on this bloggy thing as “Prattlings”. There may be some who will agree that is exactly right for some of the things that venture from my lips and I will not disagree. Changing 

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Principal’s Blog returns

Amazingly, there seemed to be quite a few ‘Highamites’ who used to read the things I would write. Certainly, a number of people would comment about the things I shared. With all the fun and games with our friend Mr Coronavirus, I found it necessary to suspend my ramblings, otherwise all you would have got would 

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Staying on the Level – The Gatehouse’s turn – IN PROGRESS

Converting the ground floor of the Gatehouse to 2 ensuite bedrooms to provide practical ground floor accommodation. Formerly the Principal’s house (er, not the current Principal, I might add!), the Gatehouse has provided of late simply extra upstairs standard accommodation, with 4 bedrooms sharing 2 bathrooms. The ground floor has become redundant and we feel 

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Pond Progress

Neil and co have made progress with the establishment of the pond seating area. As you can see on the left, a space has now been cleared and foundations laid for an outside matted area on which seating will be placed. Thought has been given to creating an area that will drain naturally, as well 

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Our Gardening Team work tirelessly in the grounds to keep them safe and beautiful. The grounds are a major resource for Higham, giving those who come space to be inspired, to learn from and to enjoy. The Psychological benefits are immense, but we also recognise the historical legacy of the Georgian/Victorian Garden and a moral 

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A Short Film shot at Higham…

Here’s a link to a short 15 minute film (Reflections) that was shot in part at Higham in 2018. It’s interesting for us to see bits of the features at Higham used. See how many bits you recognise! The 1 minute trailer for the film gives you a good peek at: REFLECTIONS – A 

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Raffle Ticket Winner

The Raffle for the Robert Dutton picture has now been drawn and the winner notified by email. The winning ticket number was [471 orange] . Thank you to everybody who supported our fund raising for the pond area by buying a ticket. In all, 469 tickets were sold at a pound each. Thank you, especially, 

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Archive – The Millennium Wall Hanging

We recently unearthed some photos of the occasion, 17 years ago, when The Millennium Wall Hanging was created by course attendees at Higham. You may catch sight of some past tutors Elizabeth Prickett (Ruskin Lace), Julie Andrews (Patchwork) and Bridget Rylands (Embroidery) and a number of their students. The Millennium Hanging currently adorns the chimney 

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