Ever pondered the profound mysteries of nature? Can Arne Naess’s deep ecology unveil the wisdom inherent in our connection with the natural world? How does Soga Ryojin’s assertion, “We cannot rise above nature,” resonate in a world balancing technological marvels and ecological consciousness? Join us in exploring these questions, as we attempt to guide ourselves towards a
An hour of memorable musical performances, held in our wonderful oak-floored lecture room. Laurence Perkins (bassoon) with Philippa Davies (flute), Colin Honour (clarinet) and Jan Willem Nelleke (piano). Bar open before and after the performance. No interval. ADMISSION £10 Proceeds to Stroke Association.
All are invited to attend two 45-minute concerts at 11am and 2pm given by diploma-standard players completing a masterclass here at Higham with Laurence Perkins. A little audience will be appreciated! ADMISSION FREE but please do let us know if you intend to come so we can put out enough chairs! You are welcome to
..."arguably the most significant Georgian architect of whom most people have never heard," Henry Flitcroft designed some of the greatest country houses of the 18th century including Woburn Abbey, Wimpole and Wentworth Woodhouse. His accomplishments also included furniture, churches and notable London buildings such as Chatham House and Benjamin Franklin House. Author Gill Hedley will lead
The talk will look at many, but by no means all, the powerful women who ran commercial and public galleries, were directors of arts organisations or major collectors in Britain from c1930-1960. Some names are well known, like Peggy Guggenheim and Erica Brausen, others kept a modest profile but had a powerful impact, like Dorothy
The Festival Players return, performing Shakespeare's fantastical and some say allegorical play about magic, betrayal, love and forgiveness. With a bit of romance, comedy and tragedy thrown in for good measure, there's something for everyone. We are hoping for good weather, despite the title of the play, but the show will go on if we have
The Langdale Valley, 1947 - an unlikely setting for a meeting between two of the most influential and toweringly important cultural figures of the twentieth century: the choreographer and movement pioneer Rudolf Laban, and the avant-garde artist Kurt Schwitters. Research into this meeting has thrown up fascinating questions not least about what they might have
A lively and engaging evening of mainstream jazz with David Black and players from our residential jazz course joined by very special guests saxophonist Alan Barnes and trumpeter Mark Armstrong. Tickets £10 (Bar open)