Every November, Harps Northwest (a registered charity whose main aim is to promote playing, teaching and appreciation of the harp), choose and subsidise two different expert harpists s guest tutors to spend a weekend tutoring players of the small harp. These annual courses are open to anyone and are a fantastic opportunity to develop playing and to spend quality time with other harpists.
Past guest tutors have included: Tamsin Dearnley and Mary Dunsford (2013), Robin Huw Bowen & Charlotte Peterson (2014), Isobel Mieras & Jan Bennett (2015), Gillian Fleetwood and Lily Neill (2016). Karen Marshalsay and Eleanor Turner (2017).
We are now able to offer even more places on this very enjoyable and successful weekend, so new members are always welcome. If interested in joining our 'Register an Interest' list, let us know and we can offer you a place directly before the next dates get published.