Amazingly, there seemed to be quite a few ‘Highamites’ who used to read the things I would write. Certainly, a number of people would comment about the things I shared. With all the fun and games with our friend Mr Coronavirus, I found it necessary to suspend my ramblings, otherwise all you would have got would have been moans, groans and self-pity.
Dare I say it, this far on, your Principal now feels more ready to engage in some thought-sharing once more. So, I am bringing back the Blog, and we shall see whether it adds to the mix. If anything else, it is a way of keeping you up to date with aspects of Higham which, otherwise, you might not be aware of. So I aim to share the odd few thoughts, news and reports that can continue to offer those who would like to, to share in a slightly deeper insight into the workings of Higham Hall.
Along the way, I shall endeavour to not bore you, but to present meaningful words which help you, possibly, to understand this magical place even more.
George, April 2022