- The offending wall between 4 & 5
- Naughty water ingress in 5
For a long time the wafer-thin wall between 4 & 5 has allowed deep snorers to keep their neighbours awake. Well, we are eliminating this problem, prior to a redecoration, by putting up an acoutsically-dampening wall between these two bedrooms.
Room 5 has also over the years suffered from a bit of water ingress – it is in the oldest part of the building. We are addressing this, having researched the issue, and well report back.
Meanwhile, I think it is fair to say that both 4 and 5 could benefit from a bit of a makeover. So we are going to employ a variation of the colour scheme from Rooms 1 & 2 (already redecorated), along with some carpenterical (that’s a word we’ve just invented) wizardly to make both these rooms better,… Watch this space!