Work with (don’t fight against) the fast-drying nature of acrylics and use mixed media to create vibrant, atmospheric paintings (from excellent reference images provided by your Tutor), layer by layer. For all levels of artist to loosen up with a willingness to get paint on hands, possibly clothes! Marion Boddy-Evans (Aberdeenshire
Explore contemporary acrylic techniques using lots of different acrylic media on different surfaces. We will venture outdoors (weather permitting) to gain inspiration from the immediate Lakeland landscape from Higham Hall, but this course focuses on a studio response to your own source material (landscape sketches, photographs etc of your own) with a semi-abstract and exploratory
From colourful pumpkins and squashes for Halloween to evergreens, berries, nuts and cones for Christmas festivities and even the skeleton seedheads of autumn, there is a lot of choice in forms, shapes, colour and texture to inspire the botanical artist. You may wish to design a greetings card to celebrate the season. Susan Christopher-Coulson (Lancashire
A series of encapsulating talks exploring the art and meaning of gardens, gardening and flowers. (These talks may appeal to those that are fascinated by gardening but not in the mood for hard, physical graft!). Danny Wells (Derbyshire Residential: £270 Non-residential: £190
*NEW* Take your drawing deeper than just drawing physical buildings, so your picture can suggest a story behind it. From your own photograph, be guided to create a characterful drawn portrait of a building that will contain both substance and meaning. Ideal for artists feeling ready to develop a more sophisticated approach to their subject
For both beginners and improvers. Complete a tutor-led portrait of a giraffe on velour paper. Learn about various types of pastel and surfaces and practice layering, blinding and building up texture. After this work on a picture of your own choosing with one-to-one help and Paul’s patient guidance. Please bring your own photographs/reference material for
Join Alex, a Contemporary Visual and Fine Artist with over 25 years’ experience, to stretch how you approach your painting. Explore a variety of exercises to help you look differently at how you begin, and how you might develop your paintings. Alex’s mixed media approach will boost your ideas and freshen up what you do.
Similar to our March DRAW LIKE A CARTOONIST, but this time focused towards drawing Christmas cards (of course!) A really fun seasonal course for anyone (whether you are an experienced artist or a complete beginner). Colin has produced the front-page cartoon for The Westmorland Gazette since 1984. Colin Shelbourn ( Residential: £280 Non-residential: £200.
Work with Margaret’s patient, expert guidance as you gently explore your potential produce high quality pictures inspired by the natural world. Suprise yourself with what can be achieved. Suitable for all. Margaret Eggleton (Surrey Residential: £390 Non-residential: £280 (incl. field trips)
You will either wish to improve your Chinese brush painting or be a painter wanting to try new techniques in this ancient artform that is still evolving. A relaxed, informative and practical course. Time will be spent on composition with a little theory from studying some masters. Lots of support and guidance provided. The emphasis
Look at fresh approaches to working from the landscape, via the lens of Contemporary Painting. With exercises, briefs and tutorials, be pushed to extend your responses to your chosen media and subject matter. Steve Humble (London Residential: £535 Non-residential: £365 (incl. field trips)