New Brochure out this week!

Our new brochure – covering October 2023 to March 2024, should now be winging its way to those on our postal mailing list now. We have had a busy time recently as our regular mailing company are no more and we have had to make new arrangements. These have finally been sorted, but there were a few technicalities to sort out along the way, what with 4,000 brochures to be packaged up, franked and sent on.

For years now, we have been trying to use recycled materials for our brochure and postage (even before it that sort of thing became hip). We have sought not be be wasteful for both our planet and ourselves. I am pleased to say that this traditon will continue with our new arrangement.

It is, in reality, slightly better for us now, as our printers have set up their own mailing company in-house who get the bulk order ready for sending. Therefore, for my successor Lizzie, there will be only one main company rather than two to deal with now.

Incidentally, we have no control over exactly when you will hear that ‘plop’ on your doormat though – that depends upon the good ol’ Royal Mail through whom the deliveries are made.