Our new brochure – covering October 2023 to March 2024, should now be winging its way to those on our postal mailing list now. We have had a busy time

Our new brochure – covering October 2023 to March 2024, should now be winging its way to those on our postal mailing list now. We have had a busy time
Our new Cook, David, has a very neat little drone which has captured some fantastic footage of Higham and our surroundings. David uploaded to his YouTube channel, on which there
I am very pleased to announce that my replacement has now been chosen by the Trustees. Dr. Elizabeth Fisher will be a safe, understanding and intelligent pair of hands to
In the end we have had 25 applicants for the role of Principal of Higham Hall. The majority display ‘impressive pedigrees’, a phrase I have been using recently in this
I have made the hard decision to step down as Principal of Higham Hall College at the end of August so that we can move to be closer to family.
Earlier this year, the nation celebrated the 70th Anniversary of HRH Queen Elizabeth’s accession to the throne. At that time, Higham ordered a special tree and a plaque to commemorate
Looks like our Amy has been busy. A little video has appeared on our Instagram spreading a little seasonal joy: https://www.instagram.com/highamhall/ There’s even some Michael Buble if you turn up
https://cacn.co.uk/podcast/ I keep on recommending this excellent half hour monthly Podcast (it’s like listening to a programme on the radio on demand) called Behind the Scenery to people because I
Part of what makes Higham so valuable, in our eyes, is the potential we have to improve the lives of those involved with us. Seriously – 100 percent sincerity here
The second episode of the CACN podcast is now available. It is very professionally done (You’d be hard pressed to distinguish the Podcast from a Radio Four walk and talk
As Bert might have said: “Blimey, Mary Poppins! Cop a load of ’em apples and pears.” Perhaps an overlooked feature within the modest grounds at Higham are the espaliers which
For those interested in all things cultural around the region there is a new Podcast: Higham is a member of the excellent Cumbria Arts and Culture Network whose mission is
Meet Rye, the beautiful 15 year old Gypsy Cob owned by one of our cooks, Ann and her husband Ronnie. Rye was ‘driven’ up today by Jennifer pulling their racing
Finally! We have been able to make a start on our long-awaited improvements to the Studio. The main purpose of this phase is to eliminate the need for steps to
Tutor Karen Quickfall used her lockdown time very wisely. She worked on a manual for Ruskin Lace which will serve textilers for years to come. This book is a worthy
Pennines-based artist and Higham Tutor Lionel Playford unveiled his stunning new commission in the form of a large landscape oil painting for us earlier this year. The short ceremony with
One of our most popular art Tutors, Frances Winder, has donated a painting of Higham to the college. The classic view of the house is from the perspective seen looking
We have a job going in our Office! This is a rare opportunity. What’s more, it is a full time position, joining three other colleagues. More details one our jobs
Why be normal? Rather than stick to the name of “Principal’s Blog”, I’ve decided to refer to what I have to say on this bloggy thing as “Prattlings”. There may
Our decorator was suddenly available this week, so we have put them to work on Bedrooms 6 and 19. If you look closely in the top right window, you can
The Raffle for the Robert Dutton picture has now been drawn and the winner notified by email. The winning ticket number was [471 orange] . Thank you to everybody who
Using heritage colours and cues to refurbish bedrooms and public areas so that they reflect significant eras the building has been through. We are being fussy about what we are
A private donation was made for us to plant a tree and for a bench in memory of former Tutor Derek Hyatt [Guardian Obituary and Telegraph Obituary], who passed at
The lucky winner who won the original picture by Robert Dutton was a lady called Carol. She says she never usually wins anything. Well she has now! The raffle, with Robert’s
Robert Dutton has kindly donated this wonderful picture to help us raise funds. So far, 220 tickets have been sold, and we are hoping to sell a few more. It
Just about got Monty to sit long enough in the new Curve to capture a shot of him with the new plaque, cunningly installed on a tree trunk by Neil
Alston Hall was, until the beginning of last year, a sister college to Higham based in the Ribble Valley in Lancashire. We shared many tutors and, indeed, students, and strived